Saturday, December 5, 2009

The List

Why can I never seem to get to bed before 3 a.m.?
Oh well. I was feeling inspired so I decided to make a list of some of my dreams and goals. Maybe I can find something in them to work towards, set a goal for myself. I don't know. It's worth a shot. Here goes:

The List
- Travel the world
- Learn to swing dance
- Be content
- Have long hair again
- Be on a movie set
- Go to California and New York
- Feel like I know what I'm doing for once
- Become a youtube phenomenon
- Make a blog with awesome goals to work toward and write about every day like Julie & Julia
- Learn how to sing
- Learn how to play the piano
- Learn how to play the guitar
- Study abroad in England for a semester
- Have a flat stomach
- Write a novel
- Get my kid's story published
- Go on a sleigh ride in the snow for Christmas
- Walk down the sidewalks of New York looking like a fashion model
- Live in L.A. for a year
- Get a video camera
- Become more religious again
- Get a kitten
- Have a monkey sit on my shoulder
- Stop making lists of dreams and go after them

Okay. Well, that's all I've got for the night. Thanks invisibe readers! Feel free to make your own list. It can actually be kind of motivating sometimes. Well, off to get 6 hours of sleep. Good night!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random update!

Hello all!

So, I visited my dad this weekend with my brother, but I have to work tonight so I wanted to leave with plenty of time to get back. As luck would have it, we left on time but are currently stuck in the middle of a motorcycle parade. I am completely serious here. However, I somehow managed to get wireless internet right now. I don't think it will last for long, though, so I just wanted to say hello.

Wish me luck to get to work on time!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Wow. It's been awhile, huh? Things have been pretty busy around here. I've been juggling late night shifts at the movie theater and school work. It's been a blast! ;) All in all, things have been going pretty well, though.

Let's see . . . . I'm leaning towards event management for a major, and there's a very big possibility that I could be studying in England for my second semester of next school year! How awesome would that be?! Still haven't been on a plane, though, soooo . . . that could be interesting.

Anyway, random question: Did you ever think when you were a kid that your dolls and stuffed animals came to life at night when you went to sleep? I imagined all kinds of things happening when I was asleep or if I left the room. The reason why I ask is because there's an awesome song called Fireflies by a band called Owl City that's about that. My friend showed it to me a few days ago, and I just can't stop listening to it! There's a kind of child-like wonder in the song that makes me smile every time I hear it. You should definitely go check it out. Here's the link for the music video: Nevermind. Didn't work. Whoops! It's on youtube, though. I'm not trying to advertise for them or anything. I just love this song!

Well, I'm gonna go now because I'm getting very tired. But maybe I'll update tomorrow. Until then, adieu.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time to focus!

Hello again! I wasn’t planning on blogging a third night in a row, but after reading a post from another blogger I felt the need to share something.

I haven’t mentioned this before, but I’m a Christian. Clearly it’s not as big a part of my life as it should be or I would have mentioned it earlier. Basically, I’ve been involved in church my whole life. And when I say my whole life, I mean my whole life. I played baby Jesus when I was born. Not kidding!

Anyway, I was baptized when I was eight years old. I remember being in the water, repeating the words, and being dunked. My older sister and I were baptized at the same time. What sucks is that I can remember the actual ceremony, but I can’t remember what caused me to make the decision or what changed in my life afterwards. Because of how involved I was in church, the change was gradual. It wasn’t like I was going from one extreme to the next, like from being an avid atheist to a Christian. In the Bible, we’re told that we are supposed to go out into the world and share our faith. Usually, the best way to do this is to share your testimony and tell the person how God has changed your life. But I don’t know what my testimony is. I know that I believe in God. I couldn’t imagine this world without Him as the creator! But I can’t seem to figure out how my life has been changed because I honestly don’t remember what I was like before or right after I was baptized. (One thing to know about me: I have a really crummy memory.)

Sometimes, I worry that my faith isn’t adequate. I know that sounds silly. After all, Romans 10:9 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” But if this is true, which it is, then why do I feel so guilty all the time? I know it will help if I read the Bible more, but sometimes I just feel like there’s something wrong with me. (Another thing to know about me: I tend to over think things and make them more complicated than necessary.)

I don’t know what my problem is, but whatever it is it’s holding me back in my relationship with God. I could be so on fire for Him if I could just get past this guilty feeling and these doubts about myself! Ugh. Whatever. If you have any thoughts or feel the same way sometimes please let me know! For now, I’m going to read the Bible more and pray a lot! Time to focus!

That’s all for tonight. Sorry it wasn’t as light-hearted as usual. But now you know one of the main things that’s always on my mind! Goodnight!


Monday, August 17, 2009

I feel like Barney.

How do I always end up staying up this late? I try to get to bed earlier. I really do. But something always manages to keep me awake. Usually it's my brother, whether he's rocking out on his guitar or throwing stuffed animals at my head. Oh well. I'll just sleep in till 11 tomorrow - correction - this morning.

Nothing new to blog about tonight. I don't even know why I'm writing another blog. I guess I just felt like saying hello to the world. It makes me feel more connected.

So, I'm listening to the soundtrack for (500) Days of Summer right now and it basically rocks! That might be the only indie film I've ever seen, but I can't be sure. All I know is I loved it! I think Zooey Deschanel is such a cute actress. She's so much fun to watch! Definitely another one of my favorite actresses. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt was great in the movie too. I think one of the things I enjoyed about the movie is how realistic it seemed. It didn't have a typical Hollywood ending. If you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it! :) If I can figure out how, I'll put the trailer on this blog. Okay. Well, clearly it didn't work so I included the link. Or at least I think that's the link for it. If not, you should definitely search for the trailer on youtube yourself. Or you could just go see the movie!

Enough movie talk. I don't know why, but I just started thinking of a bunch of little things that make me happy, so I'm going to list some of them.
Happy Stuff:
-sunny days
-feel-good music/movies/books
-wearing fun/pretty outfits
-having somewhere to go in the fun/pretty outfits
-kitties (I want one so bad! I have an old cat, but I think he may be dying.)
-really awesome friends (I've been blessed with a bunch of those!)
-brownies, ice cream, cake, etc.
-cosmic bowling
-laughing uncontrollably
-Dancing!!! (not well, just random!)

And the list could go on and on and on! Sorry about that randomness, but now I'm in a happy mood! Yay! What are some things that make you happy, invisible and possibly non-existent reader? I'm guessing really long blogs isn't one of them, soooo I'm going to go now before this thing turns encyclopedia-sized. I hope you have a happy day!

Remind me never to say or type that last sentence ever again. I feel like Barney.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

I have a way with pipes!

Wow. I was weird a year ago. Not much has changed a year later. :)

So, I got off work tonight and, in my heightened state of boredom, I decided to check out the blogging scene. Much to my surprise, I discovered that I already had a blog of my very own! Not much of one, but still. It was quite fun to read the last blog entry after having forgotten about it altogether. It was like reading a note from future Shelila . . . . except that it was written in the past . . . . yeeaahh. Whatever.

I have a flippin' sweet job now! I'm a concessionaire/usher at a movie theater. (In layman's terms, I get paid minimum wage to sweep theaters and make popcorn.) I get free movies though! And heaven knows how much moolah that saves me. I'm kind of a movie fanatic. Favorite actors? Easy question. Johnny Depp, Jennifer Garner, Robert Downey, Jr., Sandra Bullock, and Shia Labeouf to name a few. Favorite movies? Not so easy to answer. In fact, I should probably save that for a different blog altogether.

Another exciting development: I'm going to be moving into an apartment in less than a week and starting my sophomore year of college! Whoo! Still don't have a major, but that will give me something to focus on this year. If you've got any suggestions, let me know. And please don't recommend that I take one of those quizzes that determines my major. I took that in highschool, and it said that I should be a flight attendant. I've never even been a passenger in a plane before!!!! That's not as bad a result as the one I got the second time around, though. I spent an hour or two putting all of the best possible answers and guess what I am supposedly meant to do for a living. Remember: this quiz is supposed to help you find the career that you will do for the rest of your life, not a part-time job just for kicks. I, Shelila, am meant for the wonderful task of pipe laying! Pipe laying?! What the heck does that mean?!

Mommy dearest, I have something to tell you. I'm dropping out of college to
become a professional pipe layer. It's my calling. . . . Stop laughing! I'm serious! I have a way with pipes!

Could you imagine how that would go over? Needless to say, I plan on finding a real job. (No offense to all you pipe layers out there. Indoor plumbing would be nonexistent without you.) Maybe I could do something with writing or movies. Or I could just draw a major out of a hat. ;) I'll let you know how that works out.

Well, until next time fellow bloggers. I promise not to wait so long to post a new blog. Of course, I don't think any of you are on the edge of your seat, anticipating another blog from Shelila. But just in case . . . I'll be back. Goodnight world!


The Lucrative Business of Amber in Russia
My future boss