Monday, August 17, 2009

I feel like Barney.

How do I always end up staying up this late? I try to get to bed earlier. I really do. But something always manages to keep me awake. Usually it's my brother, whether he's rocking out on his guitar or throwing stuffed animals at my head. Oh well. I'll just sleep in till 11 tomorrow - correction - this morning.

Nothing new to blog about tonight. I don't even know why I'm writing another blog. I guess I just felt like saying hello to the world. It makes me feel more connected.

So, I'm listening to the soundtrack for (500) Days of Summer right now and it basically rocks! That might be the only indie film I've ever seen, but I can't be sure. All I know is I loved it! I think Zooey Deschanel is such a cute actress. She's so much fun to watch! Definitely another one of my favorite actresses. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt was great in the movie too. I think one of the things I enjoyed about the movie is how realistic it seemed. It didn't have a typical Hollywood ending. If you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it! :) If I can figure out how, I'll put the trailer on this blog. Okay. Well, clearly it didn't work so I included the link. Or at least I think that's the link for it. If not, you should definitely search for the trailer on youtube yourself. Or you could just go see the movie!

Enough movie talk. I don't know why, but I just started thinking of a bunch of little things that make me happy, so I'm going to list some of them.
Happy Stuff:
-sunny days
-feel-good music/movies/books
-wearing fun/pretty outfits
-having somewhere to go in the fun/pretty outfits
-kitties (I want one so bad! I have an old cat, but I think he may be dying.)
-really awesome friends (I've been blessed with a bunch of those!)
-brownies, ice cream, cake, etc.
-cosmic bowling
-laughing uncontrollably
-Dancing!!! (not well, just random!)

And the list could go on and on and on! Sorry about that randomness, but now I'm in a happy mood! Yay! What are some things that make you happy, invisible and possibly non-existent reader? I'm guessing really long blogs isn't one of them, soooo I'm going to go now before this thing turns encyclopedia-sized. I hope you have a happy day!

Remind me never to say or type that last sentence ever again. I feel like Barney.


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