Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Blog

So, if you couldn't tell by the title, this is my first blog. I'd always heard of blogs, but I never knew how to make one. Guess I'm a bit slow in the technology department.

Anyway, I decided to start a blog to kind of help me organize my thoughts. I've been trying to figure out a path for my life, but everything just kept getting in the way. This seemed like a good way to get everything out. Unfortunately for whoever reads this, that means you get to hear all my problems. Yay! Haha! I'm just kidding. . . mostly. I'm not planning on complaining in all of my blogs. If I had enough problems to complain about in every blog then that would probably be my cue to go see a shrink.

So, I don't want to say too much about my life. Never know who's reading this after all. But basically I'm a freshman in college with a screwed up family and an empty future. I have absolutely no idea what to do with my life, and I feel like I'm running out of time. I know, I know. I'm only a freshman in college. I have my whole life ahead of me! And yet, I still can't help feeling that there's so much more to do right now! My younger brother is consumed with a passion for
Christ and is planning on going to Ethiopia for a mission trip. Plus, he's got a date with someone Saturday night. (Did I mention yet that I'm single? And have been my whole life?!) Yup. And guess who's driving him? That would be me. Meanwhile, my older sister has a job with Disney as Cinderella and is going to Tokyo after she graduates from college to work at the Disney in Japan. I admit, being Cinderella for a living is kind of lame, but at least she's doing something!

So much for not complaining. Haha! Sorry about that. Once I start, it's hard to stop.
*Announcer voice* And the winner for worst first impression goes tooooo . . . .
*Fake-teary-eyed Miss America voice* Oh! I just don't know what to say! I would like to thank my parents first and foremost for putting me in so many stressful situations that it's permanently screwed with my brain! World peace!

Haha! Wow! I have random outbursts like that. What can I say? Life's more interesting when you're weird.

Well, I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Good night fellow bloggers! And welcome to the inner workings of my head!
P.S. That symbol is an awesome right.
Cuz I have an exclusive
right to be awesome. : )

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